First time so far there has been a tie for the #1 spot in our Top 10!
1. True Colors by Krysten Lindsay Hagen
1. Thaddeus Whiskers and the Dragon by H. L. Burke
2. The Traveler's Rock: Flaming Eagle by Rick Heiman
3. The Golden Campout by John Alexander

4. i Think by Kristen Iten
5. King Neptune's Delite by Gita V. Reddy
6. Nuts about Nuts by Shir Guez
7. Amelie Gets Busy! by Agatha Rodi
8. Juicy Jack Adventures: Meet the Wild Pack by Leigh Carrasco
9. The Artt of Early Learning Series: The Lemon Tart by D. A. Batrowny
10. Sometimes...I Blurt by Tracy Bryan
Link: http://bookrev.wix.com/4kidsbooks#!top-10-list/c1ecq
For those celebrating the 4th of July, be happy, be safe, and enjoy a good book too!