A book to be read by parents, soon-to-be parents, siblings, teachers, classmates, and friends of a child suffering from apraxia.
This is a very helpful guide to and awareness of apraxia, what to look for, when to go to the doctor, and how to obtain appropriate help at school.
The author has done all the hard footwork in compiling a better understanding of apraxia, where to go, and what to do. You will not feel all alone when handling a situation whether among your own child or any child you encounter.
This author gracefully presents a very clear demonstration, using a seven-year-old child named, Joey, in showing how he speaks, and explains why unkind words affect children with apraxia.
She further portrays how children with this condition are actually rather smart, but have trouble speaking.
It's very important to look for early signs of speech delays in children, ages zero through three years, as it could be apraxia. Learn more about apraxia and what to do in He Talks Funny. Available in paperback as well as ebook formats.