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Smart Artt - The Smart Way to Raise a Baby

D. A. Batrowny is in the midst of developing a sequence of books for The Artt of Early Learning Series. Her first book of this series,...

Review: He Talks Funny by Jeannie Buesser

A book to be read by parents, soon-to-be parents, siblings, teachers, classmates, and friends of a child suffering from apraxia. This is...

Review: Waiting For Santa by Greta King

Terrific book written in rhyme, it's written for Christmas, and just in time. Don't misbehave or stay awake until daylight, for Santa is...

Good Friday Legend Lives On

Janet Balletta, a native New Yorker and descendant of Colombian and Puerto Rican parents, created an intriguing story furthering a...

Awareness is everything

It's unfortunate that illness and disease exist in this world, but they do. So it's vitally important to have information at our...

Warning: You will become a fan

Russell Whitehead is a true literary genius. His latest release, The Boy Who Once Chased Cats, published January 27, 2015, is a...

Recent book releases

John Alexander recently released A Grandfather's Blessing, volume two of the Amber/Autumn Series, on December 28, 2014 and is available...

Is Santa on your mind?

It's never too early to start thinking about Santa, so why not do it the right way by reading Greta King's rhyming book. It just may give...

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